Reading the September 5th Wall Street Journal report on unemployment made me realize that in the midst of all this economical craziness, that I can be grateful. Sometimes we can find ourselves complaining about work or co-workers, without realizing what a blessing it is to have a job nowadays.
The Wall Street Journal report said that "so far this year, 605,000 jobs have been lost."
Wow, that's a lot of families affected. This is why I don't really like to read or watch the news, but in my business, I have to know what's going on in the economy.
It was such a great reminder that wherever you are or whatever the situation may be grateful. I don't have much, but what I do have, I appreciate. My prayer each morning is for the Lord to bring our family back together safe and sound in the evening. Nothing gives me more joy than having my family together around the dinner table and having the kids goofing around. =)
What are you grateful for today?